Embracing Change: The Role of Creative Destruction in Business Evolution

futuristic version of Thor the Norse god smashing his hammer on an anvil with a fiery phoenix emerging from the impact.

Like pencils and erasers, Creative Destruction serves to write, rewrite, and discard old and new ideas. The term Creative Destruction was first introduced by a well-known economist, Joseph Schumpeter. The term describes a mechanism of technological change that leads to the replacement of outdated and current economic structures.

Navigating the Storm: Lessons from a Full-Scale Cyber Attack

After spending nearly two decades in insurance technology, the last six as a CIO, I thought I had encountered most challenges my career could throw at me. I survived 9/11 in NYC, a massive blackout the next year, catastrophic weather, and then COVID. But the most remarkable learning experience was a full-scale cyber attack. But the most remarkable learning experience was a full-scale cyber attack.

Navigating the Cloud: The Evolving Journey of Insurance Companies

In the world of insurance, a sector often perceived as slow to embrace change, a quiet but profound transformation is underway. This change revolves around the adoption of cloud computing, a move driven by the industry’s growing need for agility, scalability, and enhanced security in a digital-first era.

Unleashing the Full Potential of Salesforce in the Insurance Space

Many insurance companies who’ve implemented Salesforce are leaving value on the table. If you’re an insurance company already leveraging Salesforce or considering doing so, there’s no doubt you’re aware of the game-changing capabilities the platform offers, especially in the financial services arena.

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5 key lessons in modernization

FiveM has extensive experience advising leaders on modernization initiatives, resulting in valuable insights and “The Five Key Lessons” for digital transformation.